Mutating reactive variables in various contexts

Change the value of a reactive variable tagged with @in or @out from outside of an @onchange block.

This is an advanced example.

Open browser tabs at these routes in sequential order: /, /test and /global. You'll see that when /global is accessed the text in the /test tab will change to global!.

module App
using GenieFramework, Stipple

@app begin
    @out message = "Hello!"
    @onchange isready begin
        @show "App is loaded"
        @show __model__

route("/test") do
    global model = @init
    @show "Test route"
    @show model
    model.message[] = "test!"
    page(model, ui()) |> html

route("/global") do
    @show "Global route"
    model.message[] = "global!"
    page(model, ui()) |> html

ui() = "{{message}}"

@page("/", ui)

The model can also be modified from outside of the App module as

App.model.message[] = "Outside of App module"


Reactive variables are only directly accessible within an @onchange block, either via the variable's name or via the __model__ object. This __model__ is a ReactiveModel struct that holds the reactive variables and code in @app.

When a request is made on a route, a new model is created for this specific request. The model holds a copy of the reactive variables and code declared in @app, and it can be accessed with the @init macro.

To make the model created for a route accessible from other contexts, the model must be made global.

