StippleUI.Buttons.btn - Function

Stipple has a component called btn which is a button with a few extra useful features. For instance, it comes in two shapes: rectangle (default) and round. It also has the material ripple effect baked in (which can be disabled).

The button component also comes with a spinner or loading effect. You would use this for times when app execution may cause a delay and you want to give the user some feedback about that delay. When used, the button will display a spinning animation as soon as the user clicks the button.

When not disabled or spinning, btn emits a @click event, as soon as it is clicked or tapped.


julia> btn("Move Left", color = "primary", icon = "mail", @click("press_btn = true"))

julia> btn("Go to Hello World", color = "red", type = "a", href = "hello", icon = "map", iconright = "send")

julia> btn("Connect to server!", color="green", textcolor="black", @click("btnConnect=!btnConnect"), [
          tooltip(contentclass="bg-indigo", contentstyle="font-size: 16px", 
          style="offset: 10px 10px",  "Ports bounded to sockets!")]


  1. Behavior
  • loading::Bool - Put button into loading state (displays a spinner – can be overridden by using a 'loading' slot)
  • percentage::Union{Int, Float64} - Percentage (0.0 < x < 100.0); To be used along 'loading' prop; Display a progress bar on the background ex. 23
  • darkpercentage::Bool - Progress bar on the background should have dark color; To be used along with 'percentage' and 'loading' props
  1. Content
  • label::Union{String, Symbol, Nothing} - The text that will be shown on the button ex. Button Label
  • icon::String - Icon name following Quasar convention; Make sure you have the icon library installed unless you are using 'img:' prefix; If 'none' (String) is used as value then no icon is rendered (but screen real estate will still be used for it) ex. map ion-add img: img:path/to/some_image.png
  • iconright::String - Icon name following Quasar convention; Make sure you have the icon library installed unless you are using 'img:' prefix; If 'none' (String) is used as value then no icon is rendered (but screen real estate will still be used for it) ex. map ion-add img: img:path/to/some_image.png
  • nocaps::Bool - Avoid turning label text into caps (which happens by default)
  • nowrap::Bool - Avoid label text wrapping
  • align::String - Label or content alignment default. center accepted values. left right center around between evenly
  • stack::Bool - Stack icon and label vertically instead of on same line (like it is by default)
  • stretch::Bool - When used on flexbox parent, button will stretch to parent's height
  1. General
  • type::String - 1) Define the button native type attribute (submit, reset, button) or 2) render component with <a> tag so you can access events even if disable or 3) Use 'href' prop and specify 'type' as a media tag default. button ex. a submit reset button image/png href="" target="_blank"
  • tabindex::Union{Int, String} - Tabindex HTML attribute value
  1. Navigation
  • href::String - Native <a> link href attribute; Has priority over the 'to' and 'replace' props ex. href="" target="_blank"
  • target::String - Native <a> link target attribute; Use it only with 'to' or 'href' props ex. _blank _self _parent _top
  1. State
  • loading::Bool - Put button into loading state (displays a spinner – can be overridden by using a 'loading' slot)
  • disable::Bool - Put component in disabled mode
  1. Style
  • size::String - Size in CSS units, including unit name or standard size name (xs|sm|md|lg|xl) ex. 16px 2rem xs md
  • ripple::Union{Bool, Dict} - Configure material ripple (disable it by setting it to 'false' or supply a config object) default. true ex. false { "early" => true, "center" => true, "color" => "teal", "keyCodes" => [] }
  • outline::Bool - Use outline design
  • flat::Bool - Use flat design
  • unelevated::Bool - Remove shadow
  • rounded::Bool - Applies a more prominent border-radius for a squared shape button
  • push::Bool - Use 'push' design
  • glossy::Bool - Applies a glossy effect
  • fab::Bool - Makes button size and shape to fit a Floating Action Button
  • fabmini::Bool - Makes button size and shape to fit a small Floating Action Button
  • padding::String - Apply custom padding (vertical horizontal); Size in CSS units, including unit name or standard size name (none|xs|sm|md|lg|xl); Also removes the min width and height when set
  • color::String - Color name for component from the Color Palette eg. primary teal-10
  • textcolor::String - Overrides text color (if needed); Color name from the Color Palette eg. primary teal-10
  • dense::Bool - Dense mode; occupies less space
  • round::Bool - Makes a circle shaped button


StippleUI.Buttons.btngroup - Function

You can conveniently group btn and btndropdown using btngroup. Be sure to check those component’s respective pages to see their props and methods.


  1. Content
  • spread::Bool - Spread horizontally to all available space
  • stretch::Bool - When used on flexbox parent, buttons will stretch to parent's height
  1. Style
  • outline::Bool - Use 'outline' design for buttons
  • flat::Bool - Use 'flat' design for buttons
  • unelevated::Bool - Remove shadow from buttons
  • rounded::Bool - Applies a more prominent border-radius for squared shape buttons
  • push::Bool - Use 'push' design for buttons
  • glossy::Bool - Applies a glossy effect

