Genie.Secrets.load - Function
load(root_dir::String = Genie.config.path_config; context::Union{Module,Nothing} = nothing) :: Nothing

Loads (includes) the framework's secrets.jl file into the app's module context. The files are set up with Revise to be automatically reloaded.

Genie.Secrets.secret - Function
secret() :: String

Generates a random secret token to be used for configuring the call to Genie.Secrets.secret_token!.

Genie.Secrets.secret_token - Function
secret_token(generate_if_missing=true) :: String

Return the secret token used in the app for encryption and salting.

Usually, this token is defined through Genie.Secrets.secret_token! in the config/secrets.jl file. Here, a temporary one is generated for the current session if no other token is defined and generate_if_missing is true.

Genie.Secrets.secret_token! - Function
secret_token!(value = secret())

Define the secret token used in the app for encryption and salting.
