Genie.Server.SERVERS - Constant

ServersCollection constant containing references to the current app's web and websockets servers.

Genie.Server.ServersCollection - Type
ServersCollection(webserver::Union{Task,Nothing}, websockets::Union{Task,Nothing})

Represents a object containing references to Genie's web and websockets servers.

Genie.Server.down - Function
down(; webserver::Bool = true, websockets::Bool = true) :: ServersCollection

Shuts down the servers optionally indicating which of the webserver and websockets servers to be stopped. It does not remove the servers from the SERVERS collection. Returns the collection.

Genie.Server.down! - Function
function down!(; webserver::Bool = true, websockets::Bool = true) :: Vector{ServersCollection}

Shuts down all the servers and empties the SERVERS collection. Returns the empty collection.

Genie.Server.handle_request - Function
handle_request(req::HTTP.Request, res::HTTP.Response) :: HTTP.Response

Http server handler function - invoked when the server gets a request.

Genie.Server.handle_ws_request - Function
handle_ws_request(req::HTTP.Request, msg::String, ws_client) :: String

Http server handler function - invoked when the server gets a request.

Missing docstring for isrunning.

Missing docstring for openbrowser.

Missing docstring for print_server_status.

Genie.Server.serve - Function
serve(path::String = pwd(), params...; kwparams...)

Serves a folder of static files located at path. Allows Genie to be used as a static files web server. The params and kwparams arguments are forwarded to Genie.up().


  • path::String: the folder of static files to be served by the server
  • params: additional arguments which are passed to Genie.up to control the web server
  • kwparams: additional keyword arguments which are passed to Genie.up to control the web server


julia> Genie.serve("public", 8888, async = false, verbose = true)
[ Info: Ready!
2019-08-06 16:39:20:DEBUG:Main: Web Server starting at
[ Info: Listening on:
[ Info: Accept (1):  🔗    0↑     0↓    1s ≣16

Missing docstring for server_status.

Genie.Server.setup_http_listener - Function
setup_http_listener(req::HTTP.Request, res::HTTP.Response = HTTP.Response()) :: HTTP.Response

Configures the handler for the HTTP Request and handles errors.

Missing docstring for setup_http_streamer.

Genie.Server.setup_ws_handler - Function
setup_ws_handler(stream::HTTP.Stream, ws_client) :: Nothing

Configures the handler for WebSockets requests.

Genie.Server.up - Function
up(port::Int = Genie.config.server_port, host::String = Genie.config.server_host;
    ws_port::Int = Genie.config.websockets_port, async::Bool = ! Genie.config.run_as_server) :: ServersCollection

Starts the web server.


  • port::Int: the port used by the web server
  • host::String: the host used by the web server
  • ws_port::Int: the port used by the Web Sockets server
  • async::Bool: run the web server task asynchronously


julia> up(8000, "", async = false)
[ Info: Ready!
Web Server starting at

Genie.Server.update_config - Function
update_config(port::Int, host::String, ws_port::Int) :: Nothing

Updates the corresponding Genie configurations to the corresponding values for port, host, and ws_port, if these are passed as arguments when starting up the server.
