Genie.bootstrap - Function
genie() :: Union{Nothing,Sockets.TCPServer}

Genie.down - Function
down(; webserver::Bool = true, websockets::Bool = true) :: ServersCollection

Shuts down the servers optionally indicating which of the webserver and websockets servers to be stopped. It does not remove the servers from the SERVERS collection. Returns the collection.

Genie.down! - Function
function down!(; webserver::Bool = true, websockets::Bool = true) :: Vector{ServersCollection}

Shuts down all the servers and empties the SERVERS collection. Returns the empty collection.

Genie.genie - Function
genie() :: Union{Nothing,Sockets.TCPServer}

Genie.go - Function
loadapp(path::String = "."; autostart::Bool = false) :: Nothing

Loads an existing Genie app from the file system, within the current Julia REPL session.


  • path::String: the path to the Genie app on the file system.
  • autostart::Bool: automatically start the app upon loading it.


shell> tree -L 1
├── Manifest.toml
├── Project.toml
├── bin
├── bootstrap.jl
├── config
├── env.jl
├── genie.jl
├── log
├── public
├── routes.jl
└── src

5 directories, 6 files

julia> using Genie

julia> Genie.loadapp(".")
 _____         _
|   __|___ ___|_|___
|  |  | -_|   | | -_|

┌ Info:
│ Starting Genie in >> DEV << mode
[ Info: Logging to file at MyGenieApp/log/dev.log

Missing docstring for isrunning.

Genie.loadapp - Function
loadapp(path::String = "."; autostart::Bool = false) :: Nothing

Loads an existing Genie app from the file system, within the current Julia REPL session.


  • path::String: the path to the Genie app on the file system.
  • autostart::Bool: automatically start the app upon loading it.


shell> tree -L 1
├── Manifest.toml
├── Project.toml
├── bin
├── bootstrap.jl
├── config
├── env.jl
├── genie.jl
├── log
├── public
├── routes.jl
└── src

5 directories, 6 files

julia> using Genie

julia> Genie.loadapp(".")
 _____         _
|   __|___ ___|_|___
|  |  | -_|   | | -_|

┌ Info:
│ Starting Genie in >> DEV << mode
[ Info: Logging to file at MyGenieApp/log/dev.log - Function
run() :: Nothing

Runs the Genie app by parsing the command line args and invoking the corresponding actions. Used internally to parse command line arguments.

Genie.up - Function
up(port::Int = Genie.config.server_port, host::String = Genie.config.server_host;
    ws_port::Int = Genie.config.websockets_port, async::Bool = ! Genie.config.run_as_server) :: Nothing

Starts the web server. Alias for Server.up


  • port::Int: the port used by the web server
  • host::String: the host used by the web server
  • ws_port::Int: the port used by the Web Sockets server
  • async::Bool: run the web server task asynchronously


julia> up(8000, "", async = false)
[ Info: Ready!
Web Server starting at
