StippleUI.Icons.icon - Function
icon(name::Union{String,Symbol}, args...; content::Union{String,Vector,Function} = "", kwargs...)

Stipple supports out of the box: Material Icons , Font Awesome, Ionicons, MDI, Eva Icons, Themify Icons, Line Awesome and Bootstrap Icons.

Furthermore you can add support by yourself for any icon lib.



julia> icon("font_download", class="text-primary", style="font-size: 32px;")
julia> icon("warning", class="text-red", style="font-size:4rem;")
julia> icon("format_size", style="color: #ccc; font-size: 1.4em;")
julia> icon("print", class="text-teal", style="font-size: 4.4em;")
julia> icon("today", class="text-orange", style="font-size: 2em;")
julia> icon("style", style="font-size: 3em;")


  1. Content
  • tag::String - HTML tag to render, unless no icon is supplied or it's an svg icon ex. div i
  • left::Bool - Useful if icon is on the left side of something: applies a standard margin on the right side of Icon
  • right::Bool - Useful if icon is on the right side of something: applies a standard margin on the left side of Icon
  1. Model
  • name::String - Icon name; Make sure you have the icon library installed unless you are using 'img:' prefix; If 'none' (String) is used as value then no icon is rendered (but screen real estate will still be used for it) ex. map ion-add img: img:path/to/some_image.png
  1. Style
  • size::String - Size in CSS units, including unit name or standard size name 16px 2rem xs md
  • color::String - Color name for component from the Color Palette eg. primary teal-10

