StippleUI.PopupProxies.popup_proxy - Function
  popup_proxy(fieldname::Union{Symbol,Nothing} = nothing, args...; content::Union{String,Vector,Function} = "", kwargs...)

popupproxy should be used when you need either a menu (on bigger screens) or a dialog (on smaller screens) to be displayed. It acts as a proxy which picks either of the two components to use. popupproxy also handles context-menus.



julia> btn("Handles click", push=true, color="primary", [
            banner("You have lost connection to the internet. This app is offline.", [
              template("", "v-slot:avatar", [
                icon("signal_wifi_off", color="Primary")


  1. Behaviour
  • target::Union{Bool, String} - Configure a target element to trigger component toggle; 'true' means it enables the parent DOM element, 'false' means it disables attaching events to any DOM elements; By using a String (CSS selector) or a DOM element it attaches the events to the specified DOM element (if it exists) ex. true ex. target!=false target!=".my-parent"
  • noparentevent::Bool - Skips attaching events to the target DOM element (that trigger the element to get shown)
  • contextmenu::Bool - Allows the component to behave like a context menu, which opens with a right mouse click (or long tap on mobile)
  • breakpoint::Union{Int, String} - Breakpoint (in pixels) of window width/height (whichever is smaller) from where a Menu will get to be used instead of a Dialog ex. 992 breakpoint!="1234"


Base.string - Function
string(n::Integer; base::Integer = 10, pad::Integer = 1)

Convert an integer n to a string in the given base, optionally specifying a number of digits to pad to.

See also digits, bitstring, count_zeros.


julia> string(5, base = 13, pad = 4)

julia> string(-13, base = 5, pad = 4)



Create a string from any values using the print function.

string should usually not be defined directly. Instead, define a method print(io::IO, x::MyType). If string(x) for a certain type needs to be highly efficient, then it may make sense to add a method to string and define print(io::IO, x::MyType) = print(io, string(x)) to ensure the functions are consistent.

See also: String, repr, sprint, show.


julia> string("a", 1, true)

