Working with web sockets

Genie provides a powerful workflow for client-server communication over websockets. The system hides away the complexity of the network-level communication, exposing powerful abstractions that resemble Genie's familiar MVC workflow: the clients and the server exchange messages over channels (which are the equivalent of routes).

Registering channels

The messages are mapped to a matching channel, where are processed by Genie's Router which extracts the payload and invokes the designated handler (controller method or function). For most purposes, the channels are the functional equivalents of routes and are defined in a similar way:

using Genie.Router

channel("/foo/bar") do
  # process request

channel("/baz/bax", YourController.your_handler)

The above channel definitions will handle websocket messages sent to /foo/bar and /baz/bax.

Setting up the client

In order to enable WebSockets communication in the browser, we need to load a JavaScript file. This is provided by Genie, through the Assets module. Genie makes it extremely easy to setup the WebSockets infrastructure on the client side, by providing the Assets.channels_support() method. For instance, if we want to add support for WebSockets to the root page of a web app, all we need is this:

using Genie.Router, Genie.Assets

route("/") do

That is all we need in order to be able to push and receive messages between client and server.

Try it!

You can follow through by running the following Julia code in a Julia REPL:

using Genie, Genie.Router, Genie.Assets

Genie.config.websockets_server = true # enable the websockets server

route("/") do

up() # start the servers

Now, if you visit http://localhost:8000 you'll get a blank page -- which, however, includes all the necessary functionality for WebSockets communication! If you use the browser's developer tools, the Network pane will indicate that a channels.js file was loaded and that a WebSockets request was made (Status 101 over GET). Additionally, if you peek at the Console, you will see a Subscription ready message.

What happened?

At this point, by invoking Assets.channels_support(), Genie has done the following:

  • loaded the bundled channels.js file which provides a JS API for communicating over WebSockets
  • has created two default channels, for subscribing and unsubscribing: /____/subscribe and /____/unsubscribe
  • has invoked /____/subscribe and created a WebSockets connection between client and server

Pushing messages from the server

We are ready to interact with the client. Go to the Julia REPL running the web app and run:

julia> Genie.WebChannels.connected_clients()
1-element Array{Genie.WebChannels.ChannelClient,1}:
 Genie.WebChannels.ChannelClient(HTTP.WebSockets.WebSocket{HTTP.ConnectionPool.Transaction{Sockets.TCPSocket}}(T0  🔁    0🔒    0🔒 100s, 0x01, true, UInt8[0x7b, 0x22, 0x63, 0x68, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x22  0x79, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x61, 0x64, 0x22, 0x3a, 0x7b, 0x7d, 0x7d], UInt8[], false, false), ["____"])

We have one connected client to the ____ channel! We can send it a message:

julia> Genie.WebChannels.broadcast("____", "Hey!")

If you look in the browser's console you will see the "Hey!" message! By default, the client side handler simply outputs the message. We're also informed that we can "Overwrite window.parse_payload to handle messages from the server". Let's do it. Run this in the current REPL (it will overwrite our root route handler):

route("/") do
  Assets.channels_support() *
  window.parse_payload = function(payload) {
    console.log('Got this payload: ' + payload);

Now, if you reload the page and broadcast the message, it will be picked up by our custom payload handler.

We can remove clients that are no longer reachable (for instance, if the browser tab is closed) with:

julia> Genie.WebChannels.unsubscribe_disconnected_clients()

The output of unsubscribe_disconnected_clients() is the collection of remaining (connected) clients.

Heads up!

You should routinely unsubscribe_disconnected_clients() to free memory.

At any time, we can check the connected clients with Genie.WebChannels.connected_clients() and the disconnected ones with Genie.WebChannels.disconnected_clients().

Pushing messages from the client

We can also push messages from client to server. As we don't have a UI, we'll use the browser's console and Genie's JavaScript API to send the messages. But first, we need to set up the channel which will receive our message. Run this in the active Julia REPL:

channel("/____/echo") do
  @info "Received: $(params(:payload))"

Now that our endpoint is up, go to the browser's console and run:

Genie.WebChannels.sendMessageTo('____', 'echo', 'Hello!')

The Julia terminal and console will both immediately display the response from the server:

Received: Hello!
Got this payload: Received: Hello!


This concludes our intro to working with WebSockets in Genie. You now have the knowledge to set up the communication between client and server, send messages from both server and clients, and perform various tasks using the WebChannels API.
