

Optional: create a project for GenieBuilder

> mkdir "mygeniebuilder"
> cd "mygeniebuilder"
> julia
pkg> activate .

or install globally:

> julia

Install GenieBuilder

pkg> add


pkg> dev


julia> using GenieBuilder

This will bring GenieBuilder into scope and start the GenieBuilder service. The service is responsible for managing the list of registered Genie apps, as well as the no-code editor.

By default, the service will start on port 10101 over HTTP, and on port 10102 for websockets.

Creating a boilerplate Genie app

julia> GenieBuilder.create([name], [path])

API endpoint:


-> name is the name of the app, and path is the path to the app's directory. If name is not provided, the name of the app will be the name of the directory. If path is not provided, the current directory will be used. -> returns information about the registered app

This will create a new Julia project in the current directory. You will see the new project files: Project.toml, Manifest.toml -- as well as the application itself: app.jl (for the backend) and app.jl.html (for the frontend/UI).

Upon successfully creating the app, the new application is automatically registered with GenieBuilder so you can edit it with the no-code editor.

Working with the GenieBuilder API

The following functions are available to interact with GenieBuilder:

Get the list of apps registered with GenieBuilder

julia> GenieBuilder.apps()

-> Returns an array of GenieBuilder.App objects.

API endpoint:

  "applications": [
      "id": {
        "value": 1
      "name": "geniebuildernextgen",
      "port": 9101,
      "path": "/Volumes/Storage/Dropbox/Projects/GenieBuilderNextGen/",
      "status": "offline",
      "replport": 9102

Register an app with GenieBuilder

julia> GenieBuilder.register([name], [path])

-> name is the name of the app, and path is the path to the app's directory. If name is not provided, the name of the app will be the name of the directory. If path is not provided, the current directory will be used. -> returns information about the registered app

API endpoint:


-> GET payload: name and path (see above for expected data for both vars).

  "id": {
    "value": 1
  "name": "testapp",
  "port": 9101,
  "path": "/Users/adrian/Projects/GenieBuilderNextGen/",
  "status": "offline",
  "replport": 9102

Edit an app with the no-code editor

In order to edit an app with the no-code editor, the app must be registered with GenieBuilder and started (running). For more information on how to register an app, see the register function above.

Start an app

julia> GenieBuilder.start(app::Application)

API endpoint:


-> app_id is the ID of the app to start. The app must be registered with GenieBuilder. -> app is an instance of GenieBuilder.Application (see apps() for more information).

Open no-code editor

julia> GenieBuilder.editor(app::Application)


julia> GenieBuilder.editor([name], [path])

Stop an app

julia> GenieBuilder.stop(app::Application)

API endpoint:


-> app_id is the ID of the app to stop. The app must be registered with GenieBuilder. -> app is an instance of GenieBuilder.Application (see apps() for more information).

Get information about an app

API endpoint:


Unregister an app

julia> GenieBuilder.unregister(app::Application)


julia> GenieBuilder.unregister([name], [path])

API endpoint:



API endpoint:


Open app in browser

julia> GenieBuilder.openbrowser(app::Application)

Stop GenieBuilder

julia> GenieBuilder.stop!()
