Missing docstring for DatabaseMigration.

Missing docstring for IrreversibleMigrationException.

Missing docstring for ExistingMigrationException.

Missing docstring for MigrationNotFoundException.

SearchLight.Migration.new_table - Function
newtable(migration_name::String, resource::String) :: String

Creates a new default migration file and persists it to disk in the configured migrations folder.

SearchLight.Migration.newtable - Function
newtable(migration_name::String, resource::String) :: String

Creates a new default migration file and persists it to disk in the configured migrations folder.

Missing docstring for relationship_table_name.

new - Keyword
new, or new{A,B,...}

Special function available to inner constructors which creates a new object of the type. The form new{A,B,...} explicitly specifies values of parameters for parametric types. See the manual section on Inner Constructor Methods for more information.


SearchLight.Migration.migration_hash - Function
migration_hash() :: String

Computes a unique hash for a migration identifier.

SearchLight.Migration.migration_file_name - Function
migration_file_name(migration_name::String) :: String
migration_file_name(cmd_args::Dict{String,Any}, config::Configuration.Settings) :: String

Computes the name of a new migration file.

SearchLight.Migration.migration_module_name - Function
migration_module_name(underscored_migration_name::String) :: String

Computes the name of the module of the migration based on the input from the user (migration name).

SearchLight.Migration.last_up - Function
last_up(; force = false) :: Nothing

Migrates up the last migration. If force is true, the migration will be executed even if it's already up.

SearchLight.Migration.lastup - Function
last_up(; force = false) :: Nothing

Migrates up the last migration. If force is true, the migration will be executed even if it's already up.

SearchLight.Migration.last_down - Function
last_down() :: Nothing

Migrates down the last migration. If force is true, the migration will be executed even if it's already down.

SearchLight.Migration.lastdown - Function
last_down() :: Nothing

Migrates down the last migration. If force is true, the migration will be executed even if it's already down.

SearchLight.Migration.up - Function
up(migration_module_name::String; force::Bool = false) :: Nothing
up_by_module_name(migration_module_name::String; force::Bool = false) :: Nothing

Runs up the migration corresponding to migration_module_name.

Missing docstring for up_by_module_name.

SearchLight.Migration.down - Function
down(migration_module_name::String; force::Bool = false) :: Nothing
down_by_module_name(migration_module_name::String; force::Bool = false) :: Nothing

Runs down the migration corresponding to migration_module_name.

Missing docstring for down_by_module_name.

SearchLight.Migration.migration_by_module_name - Function
migration_by_module_name(migration_module_name::String) :: Union{Nothing,DatabaseMigration}

Computes the migration that corresponds to migration_module_name.

SearchLight.Migration.all_migrations - Function
all_migrations() :: Tuple{Vector{String},Dict{String,DatabaseMigration}}

Returns the list of all the migrations.

SearchLight.Migration.all - Function
all_migrations() :: Tuple{Vector{String},Dict{String,DatabaseMigration}}

Returns the list of all the migrations.

SearchLight.Migration.last_migration - Function
last_migration() :: DatabaseMigration

Returns the last created migration.

SearchLight.Migration.last - Function
last_migration() :: DatabaseMigration

Returns the last created migration.

SearchLight.Migration.run_migration - Function
run_migration(migration::DatabaseMigration, direction::Symbol; force = false) :: Nothing

Runs migration in up or down, per directon. If force is true, the migration is run regardless of its current status (already up or down).

SearchLight.Migration.store_migration_status - Function
store_migration_status(migration::DatabaseMigration, direction::Symbol) :: Nothing

Persists the direction of the migration into the database.

SearchLight.Migration.upped_migrations - Function
upped_migrations() :: Vector{String}

List of all migrations that are up.

SearchLight.Migration.downed_migrations - Function
downed_migrations() :: Vector{String}

List of all migrations that are down.

SearchLight.Migration.status - Function
status() :: Nothing

Prints a table that displays the direction of each migration.

SearchLight.Migration.all_with_status - Function
all_with_status() :: Tuple{Vector{String},Dict{String,Dict{Symbol,Any}}}

Returns a list of all the migrations and their status.

SearchLight.Migration.all_down!! - Function
all_down!!() :: Nothing

Runs all migrations down.

SearchLight.Migration.all_up!! - Function
all_up!!() :: Nothing

Runs all migrations up.

Missing docstring for create_table.

Missing docstring for column.

Missing docstring for columns.

Missing docstring for column_id.

Missing docstring for add_index.

Missing docstring for add_indexes.

Missing docstring for add_column.

Missing docstring for add_columns.

Missing docstring for drop_table.

Missing docstring for remove_column.

Missing docstring for remove_columns.

Missing docstring for remove_index.

Missing docstring for remove_indexes.

Missing docstring for remove_indices.

Missing docstring for create_sequence.

Missing docstring for constraint.

Missing docstring for nextval.

Missing docstring for column_id_sequence.

Missing docstring for remove_sequence.

Missing docstring for drop_sequence.

Missing docstring for create_migrations_table.

Missing docstring for init.
