StippleUI.Editors.editor - Function

editor(fieldname, args...; kwargs...)

Component is a WYSIWYG (“what you see is what you get”) editor component that enables the user to write and even paste HTML.



julia> @vars EditorModel begin
          s_editor::R{String} = "What you see is <b>what</b> you get."


julia> editor(:s_editor, minheight="5rem")

julia> StippleUI.form( autocorrect="off", autocapitalize="off", autocomplete="off", spellcheck="false", [



  1. Behaviour
  • fullscreen::Bool - Fullscreen mode. Example: fullscreen = :isFullscreen
  • noroutefullscreenexit::Bool - Changing route app won't exit fullscreen
  • paragraphtag::String - Paragraph tag to be used Example. div, p
  1. Content
  • placeholder::String - Text to display as placeholder ex. Type your story here...
  1. Model
  • value::String required! - Reactive Model of the component
  1. State
  • readonly::Bool - Put component to readonly mode
  • disable::Bool - Disable component
  1. Style * square::Bool - Removes border-radius so borders are squared * minheight::String - Minimum height of the component default. 10rem ex. 15rem 50vh * flat::Bool - Applies a 'flat' design (no borders) * dark::Bool - Notify the component that the background is a dark color * maxheight::String - CSS unit for maximum height of the input area ex. 100px 90vh * height::String - CSS value to set the height of the editable area ex. 100px 90vh * toolbaroutline::Bool - Toolbar buttons are rendered "outlined" * toolbarpush::Bool - Toolbar buttons are rendered as a "push-button" type * toolbarrounded::Bool - Toolbar buttons are rendered "rounded" * contentstyle::Dict - Object with CSS properties and values for styling the container of editor ex. contentstyle!="{ backgroundColor: '#C0C0C0' }" * contentclass::Union{Dict, Vector, String} - CSS classes for the input area ex. my-special-class contentclass!="{ 'my-special-class': <condition> }"

