StippleUI.FormInputs.textfield - Function
textfield(fieldname, args...; kwargs...)



julia> @vars TextField begin
          name::R{String} = ""


julia> textfield("What's your name *", :name, name = "name", @if(:warin), :filled, hint = "Name and surname", "lazy-rules",
          rules = "[val => val && val.length > 0 || 'Please type something']"


  1. General * type::String - Must be one of the following: text (default), textarea, email, tel, number, password and url. This is important as it determines the keyboard type popping up on mobile devices.
  2. Behaviour * name::String - Used to specify the name of the control; Useful if dealing with forms; If not specified, it takes the value of 'for' prop, if it exists ex. car_id * mask::String - Custom mask or one of the predefined mask names ex. date datetime time fulltime phone card * fillmask::Union{Bool, String} - Fills string with specified characters (or underscore if value is not string) to fill mask's length ex. true 0 _ * reversefillmask::Bool - Fills string from the right side of the mask * unmaskedvalue::Bool - Model will be unmasked (won't contain tokens/separation characters) * error::Bool - Does field have validation errors? * rules::Vector - Array of Functions/Strings; If String, then it must be a name of one of the embedded validation rules ex. rules!="[ 'fulltime' ]" rules!="[ val => val.length <= 3 || 'Please use maximum 3 characters' ]" * reactiverules::Bool - By default a change in the rules does not trigger a new validation until the model changes; If set to true then a change in the rules will trigger a validation; Has a performance penalty, so use it only when you really need it * lazyrules::Union{Bool, String} - If set to boolean true then it checks validation status against the 'rules' only after field loses focus for first time; If set to 'ondemand' then it will trigger only when component's validate() method is manually called or when the wrapper form submits itself true false ondemand * loading::Bool - Signals the user a process is in progress by displaying a spinner; Spinner can be customized by using the 'loading' slot. * clearable::Bool - Appends clearable icon when a value (not undefined or null) is set; When clicked, model becomes null * autofocus::Bool - Focus field on initial component render * for::String - Used to specify the 'id' of the control and also the 'for' attribute of the label that wraps it; If no 'name' prop is specified, then it is used for this attribute as well ex. myFieldsId
  3. Content * errormessage::String - Validation error message (gets displayed only if 'error' is set to 'true') ex. Username must have at least 5 characters * noerroricon::Bool - Hide error icon when there is an error * label::Union{String,Symbol} - A text label that will “float” up above the input field, once the field gets focus ex. Username * stacklabel::Bool - Label will be always shown above the field regardless of field content (if any) * hint::String - Helper (hint) text which gets placed below your wrapped form component ex. Fill in between 3 and 12 characters * hidehint::Bool - Hide the helper (hint) text when field doesn't have focus * prefix::String - Prefix ex. $ * suffix::String - Suffix ex. * loading::Bool - Signals the user a process is in progress by displaying a spinner; Spinner can be customized by using the 'loading' slot. * clearable::Bool - Appends clearable icon when a value (not undefined or null) is set; When clicked, model becomes null * clearicon::String - Custom icon to use for clearable icon; If not specified, then it uses the default icon * labelslot::Bool - Enables label slot; You need to set it to force use of the 'label' slot if the 'label' prop is not set * bottomslots::Bool - Enables bottom slots ('error', 'hint', 'counter') * counter::Bool - Show an automatic counter on bottom right * shadowtext::String - Text to be displayed as shadow at the end of the text in the control; Does NOT applies to type=file * autogrow::Bool - Make field autogrow along with its content (uses a textarea)
  4. State * disable::Bool - Put component in disabled mode * readonly::Bool - Put component in readonly mode
  5. Style * labelcolor::String - Color name for the label from the Color Palette; Overrides the 'color' prop; The difference from 'color' prop is that the label will always have this color, even when field is not focused ex. primary teal * color::String - Color name for component from the Color Palette * bgcolor::String - Color from Color Palette * dark::Bool - Notify the component that the background is a dark color * filled::Bool - Use 'filled' design for the field * outline::Bool - Use 'outlined' design for the field * borderless::Bool - Use 'borderless' design for the field * standout::Union{Bool, String} - Use 'standout' design for the field; Specifies classes to be applied when focused (overriding default ones) ex. standout standout="bg-primary text-white" * hidebottomspace::Bool - Do not reserve space for hint/error/counter anymore when these are not used; As a result, it also disables the animation for those; It also allows the hint/error area to stretch vertically based on its content * rounded::Bool - Applies a small standard border-radius for a squared shape of the component * square::Bool - Remove border-radius so borders are squared; Overrides 'rounded' prop * dense::Bool - Dense mode; occupies less space * itemaligned::Union{Vector, String, Dict} - Match inner content alignment to that of item * inputclass::Union{Vector, String, Dict} - Class definitions to be attributed to the underlying input tag ex. my-special-class inputclass!="{ 'my-special-class': <condition> }" * inputstyle::Union{Vector, String, Dict} - Style definitions to be attributed to the underlying input tag ex. background-color: #ff0000 inputstyle!="{ backgroundColor: #ff0000 }"
  6. Model * debounce::Union{String, Int} - Debounce amount (in milliseconds) when updating model ex. 0 500 * maxlength::Union{String, Int} - Specify a max length of model ex. 12


StippleUI.FormInputs.numberfield - Function
numberfield( label::Union{String, Symbol} = "", fieldname::Union{Symbol,Nothing} = nothing, args...; content::Union{String,Vector,Function} = "", kwargs...)


StippleUI.FormInputs.textarea - Function
textarea(label::Union{String,Symbol,Nothing} = nothing, fieldname::Union{Symbol,Nothing} = nothing, args...; content::Union{String,Vector,Function} = "", kwargs...)


StippleUI.FormInputs.filefield - Function

filefield( label::Union{String, Symbol, Nothing} = nothing, fieldname::Union{Symbol,Nothing} = nothing, args...; kwargs...)

