StippleUI.ScrollAreas.scrollarea - Function
  scrollarea(args...; kwargs...)

The scrollarea component offers a neat way of customizing the scrollbars by encapsulating your content. Think of it as a DOM element which has overflow: auto, but with your own custom styled scrollbar instead of browser’s default one and a few nice features on top.



julia> StippleUI.scrollarea(style="height: 200px; max-width: 300px;", [
          Html.div("Stipple is a reactive UI library for building interactive 
          data applications in pure Julia. It uses Genie.jl (on the server side)
          and Vue.js (on the client). Stipple uses a high performance MVVM 
          architecture, which automatically synchronizes the state two-way
          (server -> client and client -> server) sending only JSON data over
          the wire. The Stipple package provides the fundamental communication
          layer, extending Genie's HTML API with a reactive component.")


  1. Behaviour
  • visible::Bool - Manually control the visibility of the scrollbar; Overrides default mouse over/leave behavior
  • delay::Union{Int, String} - When content changes, the scrollbar appears; this delay defines the amount of time (in milliseconds) before scrollbars disappear again (if component is not hovered) default 1000 ex. 500 delay!="500
  • horizontal::Bool - Changes the default axis to horizontal instead of vertical (which is default) for getScrollPosition, getScrollPercentage, setScrollPosition, and setScrollPercentage
  1. General
  • tabindex::Union{Int, String} - Tabindex HTML attribute value 0 100
  1. Style
  • dark::Bool - Notify the component that the background is a dark color
  • barstyle::Union{Vector, String, Dict} - Object with CSS properties and values for custom styling the scrollbars (both vertical and horizontal) ex. barstyle!="{ borderRadius: '5px', background: 'red', opacity: 1 }"
  • contentstyle::Union{Vector, String, Dict} - Object with CSS properties and values for styling the container of scrollarea

