Group plots

Plot data from a DataFrame and group it according to a column's value

The contents of the CO2 dataset are explained here.

import RDatasets: dataset
using GenieFramework, DataFrames, PlotlyBase

const data = dataset("datasets", "CO2")

@app begin
    @out trace =  scatter(data, x=:Conc, y=:Uptake, group=:Treatment, mode="markers")
    @out layout = PlotlyBase.Layout(;xaxis_title="Concentration", yaxis_title="Uptake", legend_title_text = "Treatment")

ui() = GenieFramework.plot(:trace, layout = :layout)
Setting custom colors and markers

When plotting content from a DataFrame, scatter and other trace generators accept functions for their arguments and apply them to the DataFrame. See the help for PlotlyBase.GenericTrace for more details. When the group argument is present, the function is applied to each sub DataFRame.

import RDatasets: dataset
using GenieFramework, DataFrames, PlotlyBase

const data = dataset("datasets", "CO2")

# function to set the color of each point according to the Treatment column
color_dict = Dict("nonchilled" => "red", "chilled" => "blue")
plot_color(x) = getindex.(Ref(color_dict), x.Treatment)
# function to set the marker of each point according to the Type column
symbol_dict = Dict("Quebec" => "cross", "Mississippi" => "square")
plot_marker(x) = attr(symbol=getindex.(Ref(symbol_dict), x.Type), size=8)

@app begin
    @out trace =  PlotlyBase.scatter(data, x=:Conc, y=:Uptake, group=[:Treatment, :Type], mode="markers", color=plot_color,  marker=plot_marker)
    @out layout = PlotlyBase.Layout(;xaxis_title="Concentration", yaxis_title="Uptake", legend_title_text = "Treatment, Type")

ui() = GenieFramework.plot(:trace, layout = :layout)

