
Genie Framework provides a plugin system that allows you to extend the functionality of your apps. There exist plugins for authentication, authorization, caching, session management, and docker image creation. See the plugins in the API docs for more details about each of them.

Plugins are special Julia packages that extend Genie apps with powerful functionality by providing specific integration points. A Genie plugin is made of two parts:

  1. the Julia package, exposing the core functionality of the plugin, and
  2. a files payload (controllers, modules, views, database migrations, initializers, etc), which are copied into the client app upon plugin installation.

Using Genie Plugins

The plugins are created by third party Genie/Julia developers. Take this simple demo plugin as an example:

In order to add the plugin to an existing Genie app, you need to:

Add the HelloPlugin package to your Genie app, just like any other Julia Pkg dependency:

pkg> add

Bring the package into scope:

julia> using HelloPlugin

Install the plugin (this is a one time operation, when the package is added):

julia> HelloPlugin.install(@__DIR__)

Running the Plugin

The installation will add a new hello resource in app/resources/hello/ in the form of HelloController.jl and views/greet.jl.html. Also, in your Genie app's plugins/ folder, you will find a new file, helloplugin.jl (which is the plugins's initializer and is automatically loaded by Genie early in the bootstrap process).

The helloplugin.jl initializer is defining a new route route("/hello", HelloController.greet). If you restart your Genie app and navigate to /hello you will get the plugin's greeting.


Create a new Genie app:

julia> using Genie

julia> Genie.Generator.newapp("Greetings", autostart = false)

Add the plugin as a dependency:

julia> ]

pkg> add

Bring the plugin into scope and run the installer (the installer should be run only once, upon adding the plugin package)

julia> using HelloPlugin

julia> HelloPlugin.install(@__DIR__)

The installation might show a series of logging messages informing about failure to copy some files or create folders. Normally, there's nothing to worry about: these are due to the fact that some of the files and folders already exist in the app so they are not overwritten by the installer.

Restart the app to load the plugin:

julia> exit()

$ cd Greetings/

$ bin/repl

Start the server:

julia> up()

Navigate to http://localhost:8000/hello to get the greeting from the plugin.

Developing Genie Plugins

GeniePlugins.jl is a Genie plugin that provides an efficient scaffold to create new Genie plugin packages. All you need to do is run this code to create your plugin project:

julia> using Genie, GeniePlugins

julia> GeniePlugins.scaffold("GenieHelloPlugin") # use the actual name of your plugin
Generating project file
Generating project GenieHelloPlugin:
Scaffolding file structure

Adding dependencies
  Updating registry at `~/.julia/registries/General`
  Updating git-repo ``
  Updating git-repo ``
 Resolving package versions...
  # output truncated

Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/adrian/GenieHelloPlugin/.git/
[master (root-commit) 30533f9] initial commit
 11 files changed, 261 insertions(+)

Congratulations, your plugin is ready!
You can use this default installation function in your plugin's module:
  function install(dest::String; force = false)
    src = abspath(normpath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", GeniePlugins.FILES_FOLDER)))

    for f in readdir(src)
      isdir(f) || continue
      GeniePlugins.install(joinpath(src, f), dest, force = force)

The scaffold command will create the file structure of your plugin, including the Julia project, the .git repo, and the file structure for integrating with Genie apps:

├── Manifest.toml
├── Project.toml
├── files
│   ├── app
│   │   ├── assets
│   │   │   ├── css
│   │   │   ├── fonts
│   │   │   └── js
│   │   ├── helpers
│   │   ├── layouts
│   │   └── resources
│   ├── db
│   │   ├── migrations
│   │   └── seeds
│   ├── lib
│   ├── plugins
│   │   └── geniehelloplugin.jl
│   └── task
└── src
    └── GenieHelloPlugin.jl

The core of the functionality should go into the src/GenieHelloPlugin.jl module. While everything placed within the files/ folder should be copied into the corresponding folders of the Genie apps installing the plugin. You can add resources, controllers, models, database migrations, views, assets and any other files inside the files/ folder to be copied.

The scaffolding will also create a plugins/geniehelloplugin.jl file - this is the initializer of the plugin and is meant to bootstrap the functionality of the plugin. Here you can load dependencies, define routes, set up configuration, etc.

Because any Genie plugin is a Julia Pkg project, you can add any other Julia packages as dependencies.

The Installation Function

The main module file, present in src/GenieHelloPlugin.jl should also expose an install(path::String) function, which is responsible for copying the files of your plugin into the user Genie app. The path param is the root of the Genie app where the installation will be performed.

As copying the plugin's files is a standard but tedious operation, Genie provides some helpers to get you started. The GeniePlugins module provides an install(path::String, dest::String; force = false) which can be used for copying the plugin's files to their destination in the app.

The scaffolding function will also recommend a default install(path::String) that you can use in your module:

function install(dest::String; force = false)
  src = abspath(normpath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", GeniePlugins.FILES_FOLDER)))

  for f in readdir(src)
    isdir(f) || continue
    GeniePlugins.install(joinpath(src, f), dest, force = force)

You can use it as a starting point - and add any other specific extra logic to it.
