StippleUI.Uploaders.uploader - Function
  uploader(args...; kwargs...)

Stipple supplies a way for you to upload files through the uploader component.



julia> uploader(label="Upload Image", autoupload=true, multiple=true, method="POST", url="/upload", field__name="img")


  1. Behaviour
    • multiple::Bool - Allow multiple file uploads
    • accept::String - Comma separated list of unique file type specifiers. Maps to 'accept' attribute of native input type=file element ex. .jpg, .pdf, image/* image/jpeg, .pdf
    • capture::String - Optionally, specify that a new file should be captured, and which device should be used to capture that new media of a type defined by the 'accept' prop. Maps to 'capture' attribute of native input type=file element ex. user environment
    • maxfilesize::Union{Int, String} - Maximum size of individual file in bytes ex. 1024 1048576
    • maxtotalsize::Union{Int, String} - Maximum size of all files combined in bytes ex. 1024 1048576
    • maxfiles::Union{Int, String} - Maximum number of files to contain ex. maxfiles!="5" 10
    • filter::Function - Custom filter for added files; Only files that pass this filter will be added to the queue and uploaded; For best performance, reference it from your scope and do not define it inline ex. filter!="files => files.filter(file => file.size === 1024)"
    • autoupload::Bool - Upload files immediately when added
    • hideuploadbtn::Bool - Don't show the upload button
  2. Content
    • label::Union{String,Symbol} - Label for the uploader ex. Upload photo here
    • nothumbnails::Bool - Don't display thumbnails for image files
  3. State
    • disable::Bool - Put component in disabled mode
    • readonly::Bool - Put component in readonly mode
  4. Style
    • color:String - Color of the component from the Color Palette eg. primary teal-10
    • textcolor::String - Overrides text color (if needed); Color name from the Color Palette eg. primary teal-10
    • dark::Bool - Dark mode
    • square::Bool - Removes border-radius so borders are squared
    • flat::Bool - Applies a flat design (no default shadow)
    • bordered::Bool - Applies a default border to the component
  5. Upload
    • factory::String - Function which should return an Object or a Promise resolving with an Object; For best performance, reference it from your scope and do not define it inline Function form. (files) => Object, Promise
    • url::String - URL or path to the server which handles the upload. Takes String or factory function, which returns String. Function is called right before upload; If using a function then for best performance, reference it from your scope and do not define it inline ex. "files =>{files.length})`"`
    • method::String - HTTP method to use for upload; Takes String or factory function which returns a String; Function is called right before upload; If using a function then for best performance, reference it from your scope and do not define it inline default. POST ex. POST PUT
    • fieldname::String - Field name for each file upload; This goes into the following header: 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="HERE"; filename="somefile.png"; If using a function then for best performance, reference it from your scope and do not define it inline default value. (file) => ex. backgroundFile fieldname!="(file) => 'background' +"
    • headers::Union{Vector{Dict(String, String)}, String} - Array or a factory function which returns an array; Array consists of objects with header definitions; Function is called right before upload; If using a function then for best performance, reference it from your scope and do not define it inline ex. [{name: 'Content-Type', value: 'application/json'}, {name: 'Accept', value: 'application/json'}]
    • formfields::Union{Vector{Dict(String, String)}, String} - Array or a factory function which returns an array; Array consists of objects with additional fields definitions (used by Form to be uploaded); Function is called right before upload; If using a function then for best performance, reference it from your scope and do not define it inline ex. [{name: 'my-field', value: 'my-value'}]
    • with-credentials::Union{Bool, String} - Sets withCredentials to true on the XHR that manages the upload; Takes boolean or factory function for Boolean; Function is called right before upload; If using a function then for best performance, reference it from your scope and do not define it inline ex. with-credentials with!="files => ...."
    • sendraw::Union{Bool, String} - Send raw files without wrapping into a Form(); Takes boolean or factory function for Boolean; Function is called right before upload; If using a function then for best performance, reference it from your scope and do not define it inline ex. sendraw sendraw!="files => ...."
    • batch::Union{Bool, String} - Upload files in batch (in one XHR request); Takes boolean or factory function for Boolean; Function is called right before upload; If using a function then for best performance, reference it from your scope and do not define it inline ex. "files => files.length > 10"
