StippleUI.TabPanels.tabpanel - Function
tabpanel(args...; kwargs...)

Tab panels are a way of displaying more information using less window real estate.







  1. General
    • name::Union{Any} - Panel name
  2. State
    • disable::Bool - Put component in disabled mode
  3. Style
    • dark::Bool - Notify the component that the background is a dark color

StippleUI.TabPanels.tabpanelgroup - Function
tabpanelgroup(args...; kwargs...)

tabpanelgroup are a way of displaying more information using less window real estate.



julia> @vars TabPanelModel begin
            gpanel::R{String} = "panel"


julia> Html.div(class="q-pa-md", [
          Html.div(class="q-gutter-y-md", style="max-width: 350px", [
             tabpanelgroup(:gpanel, animated=true, swipeable=true, infinite=true,
                   class="bg-purple text-white shadow-2 rounded-borders", [
                   tabpanel("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur
                    adipisicing elit.", name="mails", [
                   Html.div("Mails", class="text-h6")
             tabpanel("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur
                  adipisicing elit.", name="alarms", [
                        Html.div("Alarms", class="text-h6")

             tabpanel("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur
                  adipisicing elit.", name="movies", [
                        Html.div("Movies", class="text-h6")


  1. Behaviour
    • keepalive::Bool - Equivalent to using Vue's native component on the content
    • keepaliveinclude::Union{String,Vector} - Equivalent to using Vue's native include prop for ; Values must be valid Vue component names (e.g. "a,b" "/a|b/" ['a', 'b'])
    • keepaliveexclude::Union{String,Vector} - Equivalent to using Vue's native exclude prop for ; Values must be valid Vue component names (e.g. "a,b" "/a|b/" ['a', 'b'])
    • keepalivemax::Int - Equivalent to using Vue's native max prop for (e.g. 2)
    • animated::Bool - Enable transitions between panel (also see 'transition-prev' and 'transition-next' props)
    • infinite::Bool - Makes component appear as infinite (when reaching last panel, next one will become the first one)
    • swipeable::Bool - Enable swipe events (may interfere with content's touch/mouse events)
    • vertical::Bool - Default transitions and swipe actions will be on the vertical axis
    • transitionprev::String - One of Quasar's embedded transitions (has effect only if 'animated' prop is set) (e.g. "fade" "slide-down")
    • transitionnext::String - One of Quasar's embedded transitions (has effect only if 'animated' prop is set) (e.g. "fade" "slide-down")
