StippleUI.Lists.list - Function
  list(args...; kwargs...)

The list and item are a group of components which can work together to present multiple line items vertically as a single continuous element. They are best suited for displaying similar data types as rows of information, such as a contact list, a playlist or menu. Each row is called an Item. item can also be used outside of a list too.



julia>  list(bordered=true, separator=true, [
          item(clickable=true, vripple=true, [
            itemsection("Single line item")

          item(clickable=true, vripple=true, [
              itemlabel("Item with caption"),
              itemlabel("Caption", caption=true)

          item(clickable=true, vripple=true, [
              itemlabel("OVERLINE", overline=true),
              itemlabel("Item with caption")


  1. Content
    • separator::Bool - Applies a separator between contained items
    • padding:Bool - Applies a material design-like padding on top and bottom
  2. Style
    • bordered::Bool - Applies a default border to the component
    • dense::Bool - Dense mode; occupies less space
    • dark::Bool - Notify the component that the background is a dark color

StippleUI.Lists.item - Function
  item(args...; kwargs...)


  1. Content
    • tag::String - HTML tag to render; Suggestion: use 'label' when encapsulating a checkbox/radio/toggle so that when user clicks/taps on the whole item it will trigger a model change for the mentioned components ex. a label div
    • insetlevel::Int - Apply an inset; Useful when avatar/left side is missing but you want to align content with other items that do have a left side, or when you're building a menu ex. insetlevel!="1"
  2. General
    • tabindex::Union{Int, String} - Tabindex HTML attribute value ex. 0 100
  3. Navigation
  4. State
    • disable::Bool - Put component in disabled mode
    • active::Bool - Put item into 'active' state
    • clickable::Bool - Is item clickable? If it's the case, then it will add hover effects and emit 'click' events
    • manualfocus::Bool - Put item into a manual focus state; Enables 'focused' prop which will determine if item is focused or not, rather than relying on native hover/focus states
    • focused::Bool - Determines focus state, ONLY if 'manual-focus' is enabled / set to true
  5. Style
    • dark::Bool - Notify the component that the background is a dark color
    • dense::Bool - Dense mode; occupies less space

StippleUI.Lists.item_section - Function
  item_section(args...; kwargs...)


  • avatar::Bool - Render an avatar item side (does not needs 'side' prop to be set)
  • thumbnail::Bool - Render a thumbnail item side (does not needs 'side' prop to be set)
  • side::Bool - Renders as a side of the item
  • top::Bool - Align content to top (useful for multi-line items)
  • nowrap::Bool - Do not wrap text (useful for item's main content)

StippleUI.Lists.itemsection - Function
  item_section(args...; kwargs...)


  • avatar::Bool - Render an avatar item side (does not needs 'side' prop to be set)
  • thumbnail::Bool - Render a thumbnail item side (does not needs 'side' prop to be set)
  • side::Bool - Renders as a side of the item
  • top::Bool - Align content to top (useful for multi-line items)
  • nowrap::Bool - Do not wrap text (useful for item's main content)

StippleUI.Lists.item_label - Function
  item_label(args...; kwargs...)


  1. Behaviour
    • lines::Union{Int, String} - Apply ellipsis when there's not enough space to render on the specified number of lines; ex. 1 3 lines!="2"
  2. Content
    • overline::Bool - Renders an overline label
    • caption::Bool - Renders a caption label
    • header::Bool - Renders a header label
    • lines::Union{Int, String} - Apply ellipsis when there's not enough space to render on the specified number of lines; 1 3 lines!="2"

StippleUI.Lists.itemlabel - Function
  item_label(args...; kwargs...)


  1. Behaviour
    • lines::Union{Int, String} - Apply ellipsis when there's not enough space to render on the specified number of lines; ex. 1 3 lines!="2"
  2. Content
    • overline::Bool - Renders an overline label
    • caption::Bool - Renders a caption label
    • header::Bool - Renders a header label
    • lines::Union{Int, String} - Apply ellipsis when there's not enough space to render on the specified number of lines; 1 3 lines!="2"
