StippleUI.Toggles.toggle - Function
toggle(label::Union{String,Symbol}, fieldname::Union{Symbol,Nothing}, args...; kwargs...)

The toggle component is another basic element for user input. You can use this for turning settings, features or true/false inputs on and off.



julia> @vars ToggleModel begin
          value::R{Bool} = false
          selection::R{Vector{String}} = ["yellow", "red"]


julia> toggle("Blue", color="blue", :selection, val="blue")
julia> toggle("Yellow", color="yellow", :selection, val="yellow")
julia> toggle("Green", color="green", :selection, val="green")
julia> toggle("Red", color="red", :selection, val="red")


  1. Behaviour
    • name::String - Used to specify the name of the control; Useful if dealing with forms submitted directly to a URL ex. "car_id"
    • indeterminatevalue::Union{Int, Float64, String, Bool} - What model value should be considered as 'indeterminate'? default value: null ex. 0 "not_answered"
    • toggleorder::String - Determines toggle order of the two states ('t' stands for state of true, 'f' for state of false); If 'toggle-indeterminate' is true, then the order is: indet -> first state -> second state -> indet (and repeat), otherwise: indet -> first state -> second state -> first state -> second state -> ... default "tf" ex. "tf" "ft"
    • toggleindeterminate::Bool - When user clicks/taps on the component, should we toggle through the indeterminate state too?
    • keepcolor::Bool - Should the color (if specified any) be kept when the component is unticked/ off?
  2. Content
    • icon::String - Icon name following Quasar convention; Make sure you have the icon library installed unless you are using 'img:' prefix; If 'none' (String) is used as value then no icon is rendered (but screen real estate will still be used for it) ex. map ion-add img: img:path/to/some_image.png
  3. General
    • tabindex::Union{Int, String} - Tabindex HTML attribute value 0 100
  4. Icons
    • checkedicon::String - The icon to be used when the toggle is on ex. visibility
    • uncheckedicon::String - The icon to be used when the toggle is off ex. visibility-off
    • indeterminateicon::String - The icon to be used when the model is indeterminate ex. help
  5. Label
    • label::Union{String,Symbol} - Label to display along the component ex. I agree to terms and conditions
    • leftlabel::Bool - Label (if any specified) should be displayed on the left side of the component
  6. Model
    • val::Union{Bool, Int, Float64, String, Vector} - Works when model ('value') is Array. It tells the component which value should add/remove when ticked/unticked ex. car
    • truevalue::Union{Bool, Int, Float64, String, Vector} - What model value should be considered as checked/ticked/on? default true ex. Agreed
    • falsevalue::Union{Bool, Int, Float64, String, Vector} - What model value should be considered as unchecked/unticked/off? default false ex. Not agreed
  7. State
    • disabled::Bool - Put component in disabled mode
  8. style
    • size::String - Size in CSS units, including unit name or standard size name (xs|sm|md|lg|xl) ex. 16px 1.5rem xs md
    • color::String - Color name for component from the Color Palette ex. primary teal-10
    • dark::Bool - Notify the component that the background is a dark color
    • dense::Bool - Dense mode; occupies less space
    • iconcolor - Override default icon color (for truthy state only); Color name for component from the Color Palette ex. primary teal-10
