Adding JS libraries and code

Integrating third-party JavaScript libraries into your Genie applications can unlock new levels of interactivity and functionality. There exist two way to do this in Stipple: using the page function, which is simpler and results in less code, or with a layout, which offers more customization.

With the add_script method, you can insert links to javascript files in the page head:


Inserting code in the page body

You can include scripts in the page using the @deps macro as:

lib_module() = [
    script(type ="module", "
    // script code goes here
    Console.log('hello world')

@deps lib_module

Here's a full example that incorporates the CesiumJS library to create a 3D globe:

using GenieFramework


cesium_token = "your token"


cesium_module() = [
  script(type = "module", "
    Cesium.Ion.defaultAccessToken = '$cesium_token';

    // Initialize the Cesium Viewer in the HTML element with the `cesiumContainer` ID.
    const viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', {
      terrain: Cesium.Terrain.fromWorldTerrain(),

    // Fly the camera to San Francisco at the given longitude, latitude, and height.{
      destination: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-122.4175, 37.655, 400),
      orientation: {
        heading: Cesium.Math.toRadians(0.0),
        pitch: Cesium.Math.toRadians(-15.0),

    // Add Cesium OSM Buildings, a global 3D buildings layer.
    const buildingTileset = await Cesium.createOsmBuildingsAsync();

@deps cesium_module

@app begin
  @in mybutton = false

  @onbutton mybutton begin
        println("button clicked")

ui() = [
  row(cell(class = "st-module",
    h1("My first Cesium App")

  row(cell(class = "st-module", [

@page("/", ui, DEFAULT_LAYOUT(head_content = cesium_head))


Using a layout

An alternative way to include third-party libraries is to use a layout. As a starting point, you can use the one returned by the function Stipple.ReactiveTools.BASE_LAYOUT, which includes everything a Stipple app needs. Then, you can edit its head and footer to include your JS libraries and code.

@page("/", "ui.jl", layout = "layout.html")
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <% Stipple.sesstoken() %>
    <title>Genie App</title>
    <% if isfile(joinpath(Genie.config.server_document_root, "css", "genieapp.css")) %>
    <link rel='stylesheet' href='/css/genieapp.css'>
    <% else %>
    <% end %>
    <% if isfile(joinpath(Genie.config.server_document_root, "css", "autogenerated.css")) %>
    <link rel='stylesheet' href='/css/autogenerated.css'>
    <% else %>
    <% end %>
      ._genie_logo {
        background:url('') no-repeat;background-size:40px;
      ._genie .row .col-12 { width:50%;margin:auto; }
    <div class='container'>
      <div class='row'>
        <div class='col-12'>
          <% page(model, partial = true, v__cloak = true, [@yield], @iif(:isready)) %>
    <% if isfile(joinpath(Genie.config.server_document_root, "js", "genieapp.js")) %>
    <script src='/js/genieapp.js'></script>
    <% else %>
    <% end %>
    <footer class='_genie container'>
      <div class='row'>
        <div class='col-12'>
          <p class='text-muted credit' style='text-align:center;color:#8d99ae;'>Built with
            <a href='' target='_blank' class='_genie_logo' ref='nofollow'>Genie</a>
