Base.range - Function
range(start, stop, length)
range(start, stop; length, step)
range(start; length, stop, step)
range(;start, length, stop, step)

Construct a specialized array with evenly spaced elements and optimized storage (an AbstractRange) from the arguments. Mathematically a range is uniquely determined by any three of start, step, stop and length. Valid invocations of range are:

  • Call range with any three of start, step, stop, length.
  • Call range with two of start, stop, length. In this case step will be assumed to be one. If both arguments are Integers, a UnitRange will be returned.
  • Call range with one of stop or length. start and step will be assumed to be one.

See Extended Help for additional details on the returned type.


julia> range(1, length=100)

julia> range(1, stop=100)

julia> range(1, step=5, length=100)

julia> range(1, step=5, stop=100)

julia> range(1, 10, length=101)

julia> range(1, 100, step=5)

julia> range(stop=10, length=5)

julia> range(stop=10, step=1, length=5)

julia> range(start=1, step=1, stop=10)

julia> range(; length = 10)

julia> range(; stop = 6)

julia> range(; stop = 6.5)

If length is not specified and stop - start is not an integer multiple of step, a range that ends before stop will be produced.

julia> range(1, 3.5, step=2)

Special care is taken to ensure intermediate values are computed rationally. To avoid this induced overhead, see the LinRange constructor.

tip Julia 1.1

stop as a positional argument requires at least Julia 1.1.

tip Julia 1.7

The versions without keyword arguments and start as a keyword argument require at least Julia 1.7.

tip Julia 1.8

The versions with stop as a sole keyword argument, or length as a sole keyword argument require at least Julia 1.8.

Extended Help

range will produce a Base.OneTo when the arguments are Integers and

  • Only length is provided
  • Only stop is provided

range will produce a UnitRange when the arguments are Integers and

  • Only start and stop are provided
  • Only length and stop are provided

A UnitRange is not produced if step is provided even if specified as one.


StippleUI.Ranges.slider - Function
slider(range::AbstractRange{<:Union{Symbol, String, Real}}, fieldname::Union{Symbol,Nothing} = nothing, args...; lazy = false, kwargs...)

The slider is a great way for the user to specify a number value between a minimum and maximum value, with optional steps between valid values. The slider also has a focus indicator (highlighted slider button), which allows for keyboard adjustments of the slider.



julia> slider(1:5:100)


  1. Behaviour
  • name::String - Used to specify the name of the control; Useful if dealing with forms submitted directly to a URL ex. car_id
  • snap::Bool - Snap on valid values, rather than sliding freely; Suggestion: use with 'step' property
  • reverse::Bool - Work in reverse (changes direction)
  • vertical::Bool - Display in vertical direction
  • labelalways::Bool - Always display the label
  1. Content
  • label::Bool - Popup a label when user clicks/taps on the slider thumb and moves it
  • markers::Union{Bool, Int} - Display markers on the track, one for each possible value for the model or using a custom step (when specifying a Number) ex. markers markers="5"
  • dragrange::Bool - User can drag range instead of just the two thumbs
  • dragonlyrange::Bool - User can drag only the range instead and NOT the two thumbs
  1. General
  • tabindex::Union{Int, String} - Tabindex HTML attribute value ex. 0 100
  1. Labels
  • labelcolorleft::String - Color name for left label background from the Color Palette ex. primary teal-10
  • labeltextcolorleft::String - Color name for left label text from the Color Palette ex. primary teal-10
  • labelcolorright::String - Color name for right label background from the Color Palette ex. primary teal-10
  • labeltextcolorright::String - Color name for right label text from the Color Palette ex. primary teal-10
  • labelvalueleft::Union{String, Int} - Override default label for min value ex. labelvalueleft="model.min + 'px'"
  • labelvalueright::Union{String, Int} - Override default label for max value ex. labelvalueright="model.max + 'px'"
  1. Model
  • range::AbstractRange{T} - The range of values to select from min:step:max, symbols or strings can be used to reference model fields, e.g. range("min":2:"max", :myvalue)
  • lazy::Bool - If true, update the value of the model field only upon release of the slider
  1. State
  • disable::Bool - Put component in disabled mode
  • readonly::Bool - Put component in readonly mode
  1. Style
  • color::String - Color name for component from the Color Palette ex. primary teal-10
  • labelcolor::String - Color name for component from the Color Palette ex. primary teal-10
  • thumbpath::String - Set custom thumb svg path ex. M5 5 h10 v10 h-10 v-10
  • dark::Bool - Notify the component that the background is a dark color
  • dense::Bool - Dense mode; occupies less space

