StippleUI.Dialogs.dialog - Function

The `dialog`` component is a great way to offer the user the ability to choose a specific action or list of actions. They also can provide the user with important information, or require them to make a decision (or multiple decisions).

TIP: Dialogs can also be used as a globally available method for more basic use cases, like the native JS alert(), prompt(), etc.



julia> @vars DialogModel begin
         show_dialog::R{Bool} = false


julia> Html.div(class="q-pa-md q-gutter-sm", [
        btn("Alert", color="primary", @click("show_dialog = true")),
        StippleUI.dialog(:show_dialog, [
            card_section(Html.div(class="text-h6", "Alert")),
            card_section(class="q-pt-none", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. 
            Rerum repellendus sit voluptate voluptas eveniet porro. Rerum blanditiis perferendis totam, 
            ea at omnis vel numquam exercitationem aut, natus minima, porro labore.")


  1. Behaviour
  • persistent::Bool - User cannot dismiss Dialog if clicking outside of it or hitting ESC key; Also, an app route change won't dismiss it
  • noesc::Bool - User cannot dismiss Dialog by hitting ESC key; No need to set it if 'persistent' property is also set
  • nobackdrop::Bool - User cannot dismiss Dialog by clicking outside of it; No need to set it if 'persistent' property is also set
  • autoclose::Bool - Any click/tap inside of the dialog will close it
  • transitionshow::String - One of the embedded transitions eg. "fade", "slide-down"
  • transitionhide::String - One of the embedded transitions eg. "fade", "slide-down"
  • norefocus::Bool - (Accessibility) When Dialog gets hidden, do not refocus on the DOM element that previously had focus
  • nofocus::Bool - (Accessibility) When Dialog gets shown, do not switch focus on it
  1. Content
  • seamless::Bool - Put Dialog into seamless mode; Does not use a backdrop so user is able to interact with the rest of the page too
  • maximized::Bool - Put Dialog into maximized mode
  • fullwidth::Bool - Dialog will try to render with same width as the window
  • fullheight::Bool - Dialog will try to render with same height as the window
  • position::String - Stick dialog to one of the sides ("top", "right", "bottom" or "left")
  1. Style
  • contentclass::Union{Array, String} - Class definitions to be attributed to the content eg. "my-special-class" :content-class="{ 'my-special-class': <condition> }"
  • contentstyle::Union{Array, String} - Style definitions to be attributed to the content eg. "background-color: #ff0000" :content-style="{ color: '#ff0000' }"
  • square::Bool - Forces content to have squared borders

