StippleUI.DatePickers.DateRange - Type

Represents a date interval, between start and stop, with a 1 day step.


StippleUI.DatePickers.datepicker - Function

Renders a date picker (calendar) input element. If the fieldname references a Vector{Date}, the multiple keyword parameter must be passed as true. If the fieldname references a DateRange, the range keyword parameter must be passed as true. If the fieldname references a Vector{DateRange}, both the multiple and the range keyword parameters must be passed as true.



julia> @vars DatePickers begin
        date::R{Date} = today() + Day(30)
        dates::R{Vector{Date}} = Date[today()+Day(10), today()+Day(20), today()+Day(30)]
        daterange::R{DateRange} = DateRange(today(), (today() + Day(3)))
        dateranges::R{Vector{DateRange}} = [
          DateRange(today(), (today() + Day(3))),
          DateRange(today() + Day(7), (today() + Day(10))),
          DateRange(today() + Day(14), (today() + Day(17))),
        proxydate::R{Date} = today()
        inputdate::R{Date} = today()


julia> datepicker(:date)
julia> datepicker(:dates, multiple = true)
julia> datepicker(:daterange, range = true)
julia> datepicker(:dateranges, range = true, multiple = true)


  1. Behavior
  • name::String - Used to specify the name of the control; Useful if dealing with forms submitted directly to a URL ex. "car_id"
  • landscape::Bool - Display the component in landscape mode
  • yearsinmonthview::Bool - Show the years selector in months view
  1. Content
  • title::String - When specified, it overrides the default header title; Makes sense when not in 'minimal' mode ex. "Birthday"
  • subtitle::String - When specified, it overrides the default header subtitle; Makes sense when not in 'minimal' mode ex. "John Doe"
  • todaybtn::Bool - Display a button that selects the current day
  • minimal::Bool - Don't display the header
  1. Selection
  • navminyearmonth::String - Lock user from navigating below a specific year+month (in YYYY/MM format); This prop is not used to correct the model; You might want to also use 'default-year-month' prop ex. "2020/07"
  • navmaxyearmonth::String - Lock user from navigating above a specific year+month (in YYYY/MM format); This prop is not used to correct the model; You might want to also use 'default-year-month' prop ex. "2020/10"
  • nounset::Bool - Remove ability to unselect a date; It does not apply to selecting a range over already selected dates
  • multiple::Bool - Allow multiple selection; Model must be Array
  • range::Bool - Allow range selection; Partial compatibility with 'options' prop: selected ranges might also include 'unselectable' days
  1. State
  • readonly::Bool - Put component in readonly mode
  • disable::Bool - Put component in disabled mode
  1. Style
  • color::String - Color name for component from the Quasar Color Palette ex. "primary" "teal-10"
  • textcolor::String - Overrides text color (if needed); Color name from the Quasar Color Palette ex. "primary" "teal-10"
  • dark::Bool - Notify the component that the background is a dark color
  • square::Bool - Removes border-radius so borders are squared
  • flat::Bool - Applies a 'flat' design (no default shadow)
  • bordered::Bool - Applies a default border to the component
  • eventcolor::String - Color name (from the Quasar Color Palette); If using a function, it receives the date as a String and must return a String (color for the received date); If using a function then for best performance, reference it from your scope and do not define it inline ex. "teal-10" eventcolor!="(date) => date[9] % 2 === 0 ? 'teal' : 'orange'"


Base.parse - Function
parse(type, str; base)

Parse a string as a number. For Integer types, a base can be specified (the default is 10). For floating-point types, the string is parsed as a decimal floating-point number. Complex types are parsed from decimal strings of the form "R±Iim" as a Complex(R,I) of the requested type; "i" or "j" can also be used instead of "im", and "R" or "Iim" are also permitted. If the string does not contain a valid number, an error is raised.

tip Julia 1.1

parse(Bool, str) requires at least Julia 1.1.


julia> parse(Int, "1234")

julia> parse(Int, "1234", base = 5)

julia> parse(Int, "afc", base = 16)

julia> parse(Float64, "1.2e-3")

julia> parse(Complex{Float64}, "3.2e-1 + 4.5im")
0.32 + 4.5im


parse(::Type{Platform}, triplet::AbstractString)

Parses a string platform triplet back into a Platform object.


parse(Request, str)
parse(Response, str)

Parse a string into a Request or Response object.


parse(Colorant, desc)

Parse a color description.

This parses a subset of HTML/CSS color specifications. In particular, everything is supported but: currentColor.

It does support named colors (though it uses X11 named colors, which are slightly different than W3C named colors in some cases), rgb(), hsl(), #RGB, and #RRGGBB syntax.


  • Colorant: literal Colorant
  • desc: color name or description

A literal Colorant will parse according to the desc string (usually returning an RGB); any more specific choice will return a color of the specified type.


  • an RGB{N0f8} color, or
  • an HSL color if hsl(h, s, l) was used
  • an RGBA color if rgba(r, g, b, a) was used
  • an HSLA color if hsla(h, s, l, a) was used
  • an ARGB{N0f8} color if 0xAARRGGBB/0xARGB was used
  • a specific Colorant type as specified in the first argument

tip Note for X11 named colors

The X11 color names with spaces (e.g. "sea green") are not recommended because they are not allowed in the SVG/CSS.

tip Note for hex notations

You can parse not only the CSS-style hex notations #RRGGBB/#RGB, but also 0xRRGGBB/0xRGB.

You can also parse the 8-digit or 4-digit hex notation into an RGB color with alpha. However, the result depends on the prefix (i.e. # or 0x).

julia> parse(Colorant, "#FF8800AA") # transparent orange

julia> parse(Colorant, "0xFF8800AA") # opaque purple


Stipple.render - Function
function render

Abstract function. Needs to be specialized by plugins. It is automatically invoked by Stipple to serialize a Julia data type (corresponding to the fields in the ReactiveModel instance) to JavaScript/JSON. In general the specialized methods should return a Julia Dict which are automatically JSON encoded by Stipple. If custom JSON serialization is required for certain types in the resulting Dict, specialize JSON.lower for that specific type.


function Stipple.render(ps::PlotSeries, fieldname::Union{Symbol,Nothing} = nothing)
  Dict(:name =>, ps.plotdata.key =>

Specialized JSON rendering for Undefined

JSON.lower(x::Undefined) = "__undefined__"


Base.convert - Function
convert(T, x)

Convert x to a value of type T.

If T is an Integer type, an InexactError will be raised if x is not representable by T, for example if x is not integer-valued, or is outside the range supported by T.


julia> convert(Int, 3.0)

julia> convert(Int, 3.5)
ERROR: InexactError: Int64(3.5)

If T is a AbstractFloat type, then it will return the closest value to x representable by T.

julia> x = 1/3

julia> convert(Float32, x)

julia> convert(BigFloat, x)

If T is a collection type and x a collection, the result of convert(T, x) may alias all or part of x.

julia> x = Int[1, 2, 3];

julia> y = convert(Vector{Int}, x);

julia> y === x

See also: round, trunc, oftype, reinterpret.

