mutable struct Reactive{T} <: Observables.AbstractObservable{T}
is a the base type for variables that are handled by a model. It is an AbstractObservable
of which the content is obtained by appending []
after the Reactive
variable's name. For convenience, Reactive
can be abbreviated by R
There are several methods of creating a Reactive variable:
r = Reactive(8)
r = Reactive{Float64}(8)
r = Reactive{Float64}(8, READONLY)
r = Reactive{String}("Hello", PRIVATE)
r = Reactive(jsfunction"console.log('Hi')", JSFUNCTION)
type ReactiveModel
The abstract type that is inherited by Stipple models. Stipple models are used for automatic 2-way data sync and data exchange between the Julia backend and the JavaScript/Vue.js frontend.
Base.@kwdef mutable struct HelloPie <: ReactiveModel
plot_options::R{PlotOptions} = PlotOptions(chart_type=:pie, chart_width=380, chart_animations_enabled=true,
stroke_show = false, labels=["Slice A", "Slice B"])
piechart::R{Vector{Int}} = [44, 55]
values::R{String} = join(piechart, ",")
function render
Abstract function. Needs to be specialized by plugins. It is automatically invoked by Stipple
to serialize a Julia data type (corresponding to the fields in the ReactiveModel
instance) to JavaScript/JSON. In general the specialized methods should return a Julia Dict
which are automatically JSON encoded by Stipple
. If custom JSON serialization is required for certain types in the resulting Dict
, specialize JSON.lower
for that specific type.
function Stipple.render(ps::PlotSeries, fieldname::Union{Symbol,Nothing} = nothing)
Dict(:name =>, ps.plotdata.key =>
Specialized JSON rendering for Undefined
JSON.lower(x::Undefined) = "__undefined__"
function update! :: {M<:ReactiveModel}
Abstract function used to update the values of the fields in the ReactiveModel
based on the data from the frontend. Can be specialized for dedicated types, but it is usually not necessary. If specialized, it must return the update instance of ReactiveModel
provided as the first parameter.
model end ````
::ApiCard{object='' category='Function'}
function watch
Abstract function. Can be used by plugins to define custom Vue.js watch functions.
function js_methods(app::T) where {T<:ReactiveModel}
Defines js functions for the methods
section of the vue element. Expected result types of the function are
containing javascript codePair
of function name and function codeFunction
returning String of javascript codeDict
of function names and function codeVector
of the above
Example 1
js_methods(::MyDashboard) = """
mysquare: function (x) {
return x^2
myadd: function (x, y) {
return x + y
Example 2
js_methods(::MyDashboard) = Dict(:f => "function(x) { console.log('x: ' + x) })
Example 3
js_greet() = :greet => "function(name) {console.log('Hello ' + name)}"
js_bye() = :bye => "function() {console.log('Bye!')}"
js_methods(::MyDashboard) = [js_greet, js_bye]
function js_computed(app::T) where {T<:ReactiveModel}
Defines js functions for the computed
section of the vue element. These properties are updated every time on of the inner parameters changes its value. Expected result types of the function are
containing javascript codePair
of function name and function codeFunction
returning String of javascript codeDict
of function names and function codeVector
of the above
js_computed(app::MyDashboard) = """
fullName: function () {
return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName
function js_watch(app::T) where {T<:ReactiveModel}
Defines js functions for the watch
section of the vue element. These functions are called every time the respective property changes. Expected result types of the function are
containing javascript codePair
of function name and function codeFunction
returning String of javascript codeDict
of function names and function codeVector
of the above
Updates the fullName
every time firstName
or lastName
js_watch(app::MyDashboard) = """
firstName: function (val) {
this.fullName = val + ' ' + this.lastName
lastName: function (val) {
this.fullName = this.firstName + ' ' + val
function js_created(app::T)::Union{Function, String, Vector} where {T<:ReactiveModel}
Defines js statements for the created
section of the vue element.
Result types of the function can be
containing javascript codeFunction
returning String of javascript codeVector
of the above
Example 1
js_created(app::MyDashboard) = """
if (this.cameraon) { startcamera() }
Example 2
startcamera() = "if (this.cameraon) { startcamera() }"
stopcamera() = "if (this.cameraon) { stopcamera() }"
js_created(app::MyDashboard) = [startcamera, stopcamera]
Checking the result can be done in the following way
julia> render(MyApp())[:created]
if (this.cameraon) { startcamera() }
if (this.cameraon) { stopcamera() }
function js_mounted(app::T)::Union{Function, String, Vector} where {T<:ReactiveModel}
Defines js statements for the mounted
section of the vue element.
Result types of the function can be
containing javascript codeFunction
returning String of javascript codeVector
of the above
Example 1
js_mounted(app::MyDashboard) = """
if (this.cameraon) { startcamera() }
Example 2
startcamera() = "if (this.cameraon) { startcamera() }"
stopcamera() = "if (this.cameraon) { stopcamera() }"
js_mounted(app::MyDashboard) = [startcamera, stopcamera]
Checking the result can be done in the following way
julia> render(MyApp())[:mounted]
if (this.cameraon) { startcamera() }
if (this.cameraon) { stopcamera() }
function client_data(app::T)::String where {T<:ReactiveModel}
Defines additional data that will only be visible by the browser.
It is meant to keep volatile data, e.g. form data that needs to pass a validation first. In order to use the data you most probably also want to define js_methods
import Stipple.client_data
client_data(m::Example) = client_data(client_name = js"null", client_age = js"null", accept = false)
will define the additional fields client_name
, client_age
and accept
for the model Example
. These should, of course, not overlap with existing fields of your model.
function register_components(model::Type{M}, keysvals::AbstractVector) where {M<:ReactiveModel}
Utility function for adding Vue components that need to be registered with the Vue.js app. This is usually needed for registering components provided by Stipple plugins.
Stipple.register_components(HelloPie, StippleCharts.COMPONENTS)
function components(m::Type{M})::String where {M<:ReactiveModel}
function components(app::M)::String where {M<:ReactiveModel}
JSON representation of the Vue.js components registered for the ReactiveModel
setindex_withoutwatchers!(field::Reactive, val; notify=(x)->true)
setindex_withoutwatchers!(field::Reactive, val, keys::Int...; notify=(x)->true)
Change the content of a Reactive field without triggering the listeners. If keys are specified, only these listeners are exempted from triggering.
setfield_withoutwatchers!(app::ReactiveModel, field::Symmbol, val; notify=(x)->true)
setfield_withoutwatchers!(app::ReactiveModel, field::Symmbol, val, keys...; notify=(x)->true)
Change the field of a ReactiveModel without triggering the listeners. If keys are specified, only these listeners are exempted from triggering.
function init(::Type{M};
vue_app_name::S = Stipple.Elements.root(M),
endpoint::S = vue_app_name,
channel::Union{Any,Nothing} = nothing,
debounce::Int = JS_DEBOUNCE_TIME,
transport::Module = Genie.WebChannels,
core_theme::Bool = true)::M where {M<:ReactiveModel, S<:AbstractString}
Initializes the reactivity of the model M
by setting up the custom JavaScript for integrating with the Vue.js frontend and perform the 2-way backend-frontend data sync. Returns the instance of the model.
hs_model = Stipple.init(HelloPie)
function setup(model::M, channel = Genie.config.webchannels_default_route)::M where {M<:ReactiveModel}
Configures the reactive handlers for the reactive properties of the model. Called internally.
Base.push!(app::M, vals::Pair{Symbol,T}; channel::String,
except::Union{Nothing,UInt,Vector{UInt}}) where {T,M<:ReactiveModel}
Pushes data payloads over to the frontend by broadcasting the vals
through the channel
function rendering_mappings(mappings = Dict{String,String})
Registers additional mappings
as Julia to Vue properties mappings (eg foobar
to foo-bar
function julia_to_vue(field, mapping_keys = mapping_keys())
Converts Julia names to Vue names (eg foobar
to foo-bar
function parse_jsfunction(s::AbstractString)
Checks whether the string is a valid js function and returns a Dict
from which a reviver function in the backend can construct a function.
function replace_jsfunction!(js::Union{Dict, JSONText})
Replaces all JSONText values that contain a valid js function by a Dict
that codes the function for a reviver. For JSONText variables it encapsulates the dict in a JSONText to make the function type stable.
Replaces all JSONText values on a copy of the input, see replace_jsfunction!
function deps(channel::String = Genie.config.webchannels_default_route)
Outputs the HTML code necessary for injecting the dependencies in the page (the <script> tags).
Create a js expression that is bound to a field of a vue component. Internally this is nothing than conversion to a Symbol, but it's a short version for creating symbols with spaces.
julia> btn("", @click("toggleFullscreen"), icon = R"is_fullscreen ? 'fullscreen_exit' : 'fullscreen'")
"<q-btn label v-on:click="toggleFullscreen" :icon="is_fullscreen ? 'fullscreen_exit' : 'fullscreen'"></q-btn>"
Note: For expressions that contain only variable names, we recommend the Symbol notation
julia> btn("", @click("toggleFullscreen"), icon = :fullscreen_icon)
"<q-btn label v-on:click="toggleFullscreen" :icon="fullscreen_icon"></q-btn>"
on(f, observable::AbstractObservable; weak = false, priority=0, update=false)::ObserverFunction
Adds function f
as listener to observable
. Whenever observable
's value is set via observable[] = val
, f
is called with val
Returns an ObserverFunction
that wraps f
and observable
and allows to disconnect easily by calling off(observerfunction)
instead of off(f, observable)
. If instead you want to compute a new Observable
from an old one, use map(f, ::Observable)
If weak = true
is set, the new connection will be removed as soon as the returned ObserverFunction
is not referenced anywhere and is garbage collected. This is useful if some parent object makes connections to outside observables and stores the resulting ObserverFunction
instances. Then, once that parent object is garbage collected, the weak observable connections are removed automatically.
julia> obs = Observable(0)
julia> on(obs) do val
println("current value is ", val)
ObserverFunction defined at REPL[17]:2 operating on Observable(0)
julia> obs[] = 5;
current value is 5
One can also give the callback a priority, to enable always calling a specific callback before/after others, independent of the order of registration. The callback with the highest priority gets called first, the default is zero, and the whole range of Int can be used. So one can do:
julia> obs = Observable(0)
julia> on(obs; priority=-1) do x
println("Hi from first added")
julia> on(obs) do x
println("Hi from second added")
julia> obs[] = 2
Hi from second added
Hi from first added
If you set update=true
, on will call f(obs) immediately:
julia> on(Observable(1); update=true) do x
onbutton(f::Function, button::R{Bool}; async = false, weak = false)
Links a function to a reactive boolean parameter, typically a representing a button of an app. After the function is called, the parameter is set back to false. The async
keyword specifies whether the call should be made asynchroneously or not.
onbutton(model.save_button) do
# save what has to be saved
@js_str -> JSONText
Construct a JSONText, such as js"button=false"
, without interpolation and unescaping (except for quotation marks "``which still has to be escaped). Avoiding escaping
"``can be done byjs"""alert("Hello World")"""
Helper function during development that is a one-to-one replacement for @kwdef
but allows for redefinition of the struct.
Internally it defines a new struct with a number appended to the original struct name and assigns this struct to a variable with the original struct name.
Helper function for model definition that acts as a one-to-one replacement for Base.@kwdef
When Genie.Configuration.isprod() == true
this macro calls @kwredef
and allows for redefinition of models. Otherwise it calls Base.@kwdef