Genie Discord forum

Author Avatarinoshun
1/16/2024, 1:46:23 PM

┌ Warning: 2024-01-16 22:42:19 │ No secret token is defined through Genie.Secrets.secret_token!("token"). Such a token │ is needed to hash and to encrypt/decrypt sensitive data in Genie, including cookie │ and session data. │ │ If your app relies on cookies or sessions make sure you generate a valid token, │ otherwise the encrypted data will become unreadable between app restarts. │ │ You can resolve this issue by generating a valid config/secrets.jl file with a │ random token, calling Genie.Generator.write_secrets_file(). │

Author Avatarinoshun
1/16/2024, 2:01:30 PM

[ Info: 2024-01-16 23:01:06 GET /devtools/id 200 [ Info: 2024-01-16 23:01:07 GET /devtools/pages?CHANNEL__=NABVBCGFSPVLCWHPIZGKTFKDHJIIBCDT 200

Author AvatarPere
1/16/2024, 2:04:39 PM

From the log you're showing, everything is ok as you're getting the 200 code. Can you share more details? For instance, what are you doing in app.jl?

Author Avatarinoshun
1/16/2024, 2:13:27 PM

I'm still in the middle of it, but I'm developing an app where the data from an uploaded CSV file is displayed as a table. When selecting columns, it generates scatter plots, box plots, and heatmaps.

I'm having trouble with the content itself. For example, I'm not sure which variables to use with @in and which ones to use with @out. Additionally, I don't know how to pass the data from the uploaded CSV file to each of these variables using the file uploader. I apologize for the basic questions.

Author Avatarinoshun
1/16/2024, 2:14:40 PM

I deleted the project once and recreated it, and now it's in an editable state. However, I've encountered the same issue in the past, so I would appreciate it if you could provide a solution if one exists.

Author Avatarinoshun
1/16/2024, 2:20:54 PM

I initially attempted to incorporate a 3D plot, but I've decided to change it and focus on creating scatter plots, box plots, and heatmaps. The content of app.jl is still based on the previous approach. I apologize for the confusion.

Author AvatarPere
1/17/2024, 3:35:39 PM

Can't give much advice on how to prevent this issue since we didn't figure out why it happened in the first place 😓 As for how to declare the reactive variables, we have documentation on this

Author Avatarinoshun
1/18/2024, 1:56:09 AM

Thank you for your response😊 If I recreate the project, I should be able to start it without any issues, so I will consider it as a temporary solution. I appreciate the documentation you provided, and I will review it to gain a deeper understanding.