Genie Discord forum

Author AvatarAlsonfx
10/22/2023, 10:24:08 PM


I wanted to try my hand at building a fullstack website using Julia. I was looking into Genie and as I try to setup the project it always crashes during the setup process.

I was curious to know if anyone has more information on using the Genie.Generator.newapp_fullstack("appname") function. Every time I use it to try to setup a new project it crashes halfway through and I get a bunch of errors. Is this normal?

Author Avataressenciary
10/23/2023, 11:45:21 AM

@Alsonfx it looks like something broke recently with some dependencies related to databases. Do you have more info?

  • Julia version
  • Genie version
  • the error dump
Author Avataressenciary
10/23/2023, 11:54:56 AM

feel free to open an issue on Github if that works better for you

Author AvatarAlsonfx
10/25/2023, 4:54:36 AM

Thank you for the response, I uninstalled julia and deleted my .julia file and with a new clean install everything worked. I believe the problem was that the files were "read-only" and therefore genie was having issues building the framework files.