Genie Discord forum

"Classic" Genie app loading loop in GenieCloud

2 column row component shows up as 2 row column component

404 Not Found Sorry, we can not find _

<% %> in element head closes html >

@var read only accessor (var_) not honored.

API for dummies

Accessing reactive variables from Javascript

Add a tuple to a table

Add icon in textfield

Adding a progress bar

Are there any known memory leaks?

Are there docs for connecting to a hosted postegres database, like supabase, w_ Searchlight?

ArgumentError: invalid base 16 digit '%' in "%2"

Basic hosting question

Best way to add additional project files

Best way to build a Julia GUI

Binding variable in UI builder binds text in ALL paragraphs, but only in UI.

Bootstrap version update to latest 5.3

Broken doc site

Button Syntax

Can I delay triggering @onchange when I'm making changes to more than one variable?

Can I make a range slider with DateTime values?

Cannot setup any db backend other than sqlite

Cloud app

Components Default when reloaded on global model

Conditional display of a UI element

Connect app variable to an observable

Connecting forms to code.

Continuous refresh?

Create visual elements (divs) programmatically

Creating a Foreign Key in a database to connect users to transactions

DataFrame to DB Table in a single step

DataTable not displaying data

Database turorial

Datatable in HTML view

Deleted apps won't go away; can't make more apps

Dependencies installed but still "missing"

Display icons in a Stpple Table

Display plot images in Stipple

Does "stop server" usually work?

Dynamic HTML update on change

Dynamic radio buttons

Dynamically change background color of card

ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: addenv not defined

Error about the web port already in use `IOError: listen: address already in use (EADDRINUSE)`

Error when using variable in @out initialisation

Event Handler in Genie

Facing issue in making plot

Few questions from a novice developer

up: "ERROR: UndefVarError: _auto_gc_enabled not defined"

Force compiling routes when launching from bin directory

GENIE_ENV="prod" is not loading the app.jl.html but GENIE_ENV="dev" works fine

Genie Auth fails

Genie Builder extension does not run server due to username with space on Windows.

Genie Builder web browser setting

GenieAuthorisation fails inside migrations

GenieBuilder crashes when starting a server?

GenieBuilder: use @out variable inside css

GenieFramework & Heatmap

GenieFramework API docs.

HTML Renderer fails to parse HTML using alpine.js

Hard time using front end assets

Help: How can I plot a city

Hi! Is it possible to run an app created with GenieBuilder in another computer?

no validation to steps either...

Hi, I just upgraded to Julia 1.9 and upon starting my app I got a load error

Hot reload

How Local Module work every time there is a change

How `event` macros works?

How can I make a live data app from a data stream?

How do I remove the "Built with Genie" watermark at the bottom?

How do i create a query for PostgreSQL?

How do i embed Julia in HTML?

How do you run Genie in a Script like Ruby on Rails or Express.js?

How to Delete a List Item

How to access GET query parameters in new framework?

How to access HTTP headers with @page?

How to add input fields on the fly?

How to change the default path of geniebuilder

How to create a "terminal" inside a webpage.

please reload the page"

How to get Plotly events using new GenieFramework API?

How to have a button that run's code and pop a new webpage on click?

How to implement a menu for multiple pages?

How to indicate "loading" in GenieBuilder app?

How to insert null data into SQLite database using

How to keep GenieBuilderApp from reloading for changes in only

How to limit what's shown on the 500 Internal Server Error page? Don't leak my secret keys!!

How to make a linechart with dual y axis ?

How to pump images from server to web browser?

code (Vscode plugin)

How to set up list as element of a database?

How to set web page title?

How to use the onbutton macro?

I am running a genie app on aws server, but it is by default limited to run with 1GB RAM (memory)

Impossible to get <div> elements to have the same display width

Incremental format from html UI

Inserting vector into PostgreSQL table

Interactive drawing within GenieBuilder plots?

Is it possible to embed HTML in a .JL.MD file?

Is it possible to set the options list for a Button_dropdown within the @handlers block ?

Is some restricted url acces sharing possible for a colaborative work team ??

Is there a list of @in @out variable types for each Form ?

Is there a way to limit the info messages that get printed to the console?

Keyboard events

Live updates

Loading an existing repository in the Genie Builder VS Code extension

Mac OS issues with launching Genie app

Marker Size in Bubble Charts

Missing docs for Stipple UI

Modifying properties of one GUI element overwrites properties of all GUI elements

Mongoc and MongoDB in Genie

Nested loops don't work??????

No code editor buttons

No code editor not updating html

relational database selection and integration advice

Obtaining the current row data from a DataTable in Genie

Page does not load on windows when using GenieBuilder

Page failed to open in Safari while app is running

Pairplots in Genie

Passing fields into @vars via macro

Passing variables to a layout ?

Plot not updating


Prerequisites for Genie Builder?

select component

Problems with <plotly> component

Redirect doesn't work ?

Relationships in SearchLight

Removing the CSS Render delay

Request failed with status code 422

Retrieving headers from API route

Reusing an @in or @out variable?

SQLJoin and SQLOn

Search box in StippleUI Table

SearchLight_SQLAlchemy interoperabiliity

Setting up a Genie Web Service project docs

Sharing reactive variables across different routes

Simple app with date picker does not activate @onchange

Socket can't connect

Start Server button in extension creates an error.

Starting Genie Builder Server

Stipple css Style issue

Streaming an mp4 video

Structs in ReactiveTools API


Taking input from Widgets

The default app in GenieBuilder has the header "{{message}}"

Timeline Entry from Array of Dict

Trouble importing app into Genie Cloud.

project runs into cryptic error message

Trying to start Genie Builder, VS Code on a Win 10 System. Error Msg attached

Update @in var1 when @in var2 changes

Update a variable with a Timer

Upload .json file and use as dictionary in code

Use Genie Builder together with Genie authentication

Using Plots.jl to show a graph

Using Snoop(Pre)Compile with Genie

Using a custom Vue component in Stipple

Using more than one model in Stipple.jl

VScode Starting GenieBuilder

Websocket issue when deploying on nginx

Websockets do not work for any channel but the default "____"

What are valid column types?

What is the best way to style UI components?

Why does docker port publishig not work (locally or any deployment relying on CMD) with bootstrap.jl

Working with Tabs and Tab Panels

autoreload stops working after error in code

best Hosting

browser cache issue

creating sessions for authentication and validation

current_user() return Nothing?

debug not working in genie

deploy on

drawer component

dynamic lists

file selector widget ?

hash collision in session cookie and websocket id.

Genie Builder VSCode

hiya I'm trying to install Genie Builder with vs code and am getting this error:

how to debug in GenieBuilder

how to make worldmap and show lat,lon on map.

how to setting the data for plotly in Geniebuilder?

how to subplot in GenieBuilder?

how to use mlrun?

html input function to fetch data in genie controller.jl

include acts "weird"...?

is it possible to format dates in the view file?

json form

list of plot options

code editor does not start?

notify message with multiple lines

plot! with StipplePlotly

postgres available in genie cloud?

too many connections


select with text filter

quasar.min.css error in Router.jl

redirecting pages using javascript

Does juliaUp need some specific config setting ?

rendering Dataframe object in html

searchlight how to control logging


table event

zip in recur...?

404 error when starting package manager

length do well?

About CSV file uploader functionality

Backend data in reactive code

Can reactive variables be ComplexF64?

Can't get Editable Table to work

Dark mode in Genie

Genie v4 to v5

Genie.Generator.newapp_fullstack information

How to interact with sessions and cookies with Genie?

How to load a LLM at API startup

How to set the text of Item with GenieBuilder

How would I write this using SearchLight.jl

I can't figure out how to send a file to the end user.

In SearchLight, how do I disable @info messages whenever I save to the database or perform operation

Incorrect css routing

Input sanitize typed GET payload?

10 Digit

Is there documentation for the heading functions?

Issue in reproducing an example from the documentation

No method error for save and save! for defined model

Offline mode

PlotlyBase: Subplot not working

Plots axis labels with LaTeX support

Problem with opening view while using genie builder

REST app on Docker : HTTPS timed out

Redirecting of pages

Search component for a table

Snooping actual SQL

Starting Genie server issue

Startup issue with Genie Builder

The usage of Genie Builder

Unable to get the second part despite doing two rows for the UI

Using Quasar elements in Genie Code

Using the uploader with js_methods

Variable interpolation for tag attributes

When this message appears, editing in Builder becomes unavailable. I don't know the solution.

`config!` not defined.

add web component from server side?

combine multi genie apps in one?


how to add javascript

how to upload a csv file with in genie builder

metaprogram in genies

need some help to understand the logic of Genie autoreloading

packagemanager not found

header not supported

using Javascript, Julia and Genie in hand together